Network Engineer

Network engineers select the appropriate data communications components and configure them to meet user and corporate needs. The construction of a reliable and high-performing network integrating LAN, WAN, Internet, and intranet components entails network modeling and analysis.


The annual salary of network engineers can vary from $54,000 to $10,800, with the national average at $73,165. Experience determines the amount they recieve per year. For example, if we compared a person who just started, and someone who had that job for several years, we can see the significant difference in terms of pay rate. According to an online website, newly employed workers make about $60,511 per year, medium level workers make around $72,600 annually, and late experienced workers make around $87,548. This doesn't include yearly bonuses, which can range from $291.32 to $11945.

Job Demand and Workplaces

According to the Bereau of Labor Statistics, it is expected for the employment of Network Engineering to increase 8% from 2014 to 2024. As technology advances, more people are needed to keep up with the growing pace of modern evolution. The field of healthcare will also be needing network engineers, as with computer system designing, a study showed.
